The direction from the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to wind up Stewardship Ontario’s Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program by June 30, 2021, means the Industry Stewardship Plan (ISP) operated by AMS will wind up at the same time.

Materials managed under the AMS ISP, as well as other materials included in the MHSW Program, will be managed according to an individual producer responsibility (IPR) framework under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA). A new MHSW regulation will replace the concept of program plans.

The draft regulation to set producer obligations and guide the operation of IPR under the RRCEA is expected in the fall of 2020. It is expected that stakeholders will have an opportunity to provide feedback and comments on the regulation through the Environmental Registry.

AMS has been participating in stakeholder consultations with the MECP to support a smooth transition to the new regulation, advocating that the new regulatory obligations should enable the continued use of the investments made in systems, processes and procurement during the past decade and ensure a level playing field for all obligated organizations.

We will provide information to members about the new regulation as it is available, including how we will support members in meeting their new obligations moving forward.

Along with email and website updates, following the filing of the regulation we plan to hold a member webinar to provide details about the transition to the new IPR framework and to review the new producer obligations.