Residents can drop off the below materials for safe recycling and management. Use the search tool to find a location or collection event near you.
Premixed and concentrated engine coolant, including containers with a volume equal to or less than 30 litres
Containers used for the supply of new lubricating oil that have a capacity of 30 litres or less
Spin-on or element style filters used in hydraulic transmission or internal combustion engine applications
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Residents can drop off automotive materials managed by AMS at local depots to be collected and processed. A list of depots is available here. Please check the municipal website for information on drop-off restrictions, eligibility and hours of operation.
AMS is a not-for-profit organization that operates a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) financed and governed by brand owners, first importers and other producers that supply designated automotive materials, providing compliance with recycling regulatory requirements.
On behalf of its producer customers, AMS operates a collection network and manages the processing of used antifreeze, oil containers and oil filters, diverting them from landfills and waterways. In addition to managing materials directly from producers, AMS supports collection from Ontario residents, municipalities and Indigenous communities.
The links below detail how we work with our service provider partners to manage materials:
On behalf of its producer customers, AMS seeks to maximize the efficiency and outcomes of its recycling efforts. Your suggestions and feedback are welcome and can be sent to: