Payment Terms Extended for AMS Members

As organizations everywhere respond to the unprecedented demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is offering its members payment support for current and pending invoices during this difficult time.

We recognize some AMS members are experiencing significant disruption and financial hardship. To assist businesses who are unable to meet invoice payment deadlines, the grace period for penalties and interest is being temporarily extended to 90 days. AMS remains grateful to members who are able to pay their invoices within 30 days.
Reminder of Reporting Dates 

The approved MHSW Wind Up Plan provides for fee reductions and distribution of the program’s surplus. Although details, amounts and timelines are still being developed in collaboration with Stewardship Ontario, AMS members must remain in good standing to qualify for the reductions. This requires that quarterly AMS reports for the remainder of 2020 continue to be submitted by the regular due dates:

Contact Us
All program staff is working remotely and the Steward Services team is available to provide assistance at 1-888-575-4870 or

AMS extends our deepest thanks for your efforts to keep your co-workers and neighbours healthy and safe while the world meets the challenges of this rapidly evolving situation.