AMS requests member support for MHSW surplus funds Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is asking members to help ensure that surplus funds from the wind up of the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program are fairly allocated amongst stewards. As part of the current Phase Two consultations by Stewardship Ontario, four options have been proposed for the portion of the surplus related to materials managed by Industry Stewardship Plans (presentation with options is available here). AMS strongly supports the first option which is to eliminate or reduce material fees in a manner similar to what is proposed for single-use batteries and pressurized containers. This option provides consistent treatment to all material categories and maintains surplus funds in related MHSW categories. AMS members are encouraged to consider a submission to the Program that supports the first option. A letter outline/template based on the AMS submission is available here. The template content can be pasted onto your company letterhead and should be sent to before August 30, 2019. An email to AMS members on August 8, 2019, advised that a letter had been sent to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) about aspects of his July 2 direction letter to Stewardship Ontario. See the letter to MECP here. Stewards of automotive materials have contributed more than $22 million to the MHSW surplus (previously estimated at $19 million by Stewardship Ontario). AMS believes treating ISPs differently puts them at a financial disadvantage and, because there have been no visible environmental fees on MHSW products, that a consumer rebate program would involve significant red tape and substantial administrative costs. Any questions can be directed to