AMS provides required member data to RPRA Automotive Materials Stewardship was recently required to make information disclosures to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) that include member-specific data. RPRA sent AMS a Notice of Compliance Requirement to provide data on the “total supply of Antifreeze, Oil Containers and Oil Filters for 2017, 2018 and 2019 reported by stewards in units and kilograms, by steward and year.” RPRA is entitled to make such requests in accordance with Section 49 of the Waste Diversion Transition Act. The data will be used by RPRA to prepare for the implementation of the transition of the MHSW Program to the new regulatory framework under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016. RPRA also provided further details with respect to the treatment of this data once in their possession: “The data will be treated in conformance with S. 70 of the Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016, S.O. 2016, c. 12, Sched. 2 and the Authority’s Access and Privacy Code. After transition, when producers report commercially sensitive data into the Registry, it will be treated in conformance with s. 57 of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, S.O. 2016, c. 12, Sched. 1, and the Authority’s Access and Privacy Code.” In an additional information request, RPRA is requiring AMS to provide program contact lists each quarter that include the following member information: Business Name Business Address Primary Contact Name, Email and Phone Environmental Contact Name, Email and Phone (if applicable) Accounting Contact Name, Email and Phone (if applicable) Stakeholder Type (ISP member, Collector, Hauler/Transporter, Processor) For ISP members, the Material Category(s) Supplied into Ontario. AMS will transfer all confidential and commercially sensitive data using secure methods. Members will be advised of any additional disclosures of their confidential information that may be required by RPRA.